Whatever the case may be, I am responsible from here on out to present what is in this book onto the internet in its intended form.
Any works expressed in any form on this blog, are to be manifested in the creative form originally intended for them. Any works alluded to in this blog are to be produced within 6 months of allusion at maximum.
In recognition that these goals require certain means to achieve them, (i.e. Video Camera, Microphone, Money etc.) I have decided to live publicly about my finances, so that I can keep myself honest to what I am trying to achieve at any given time. In recognition that not everyone gives a shit about my finances, I will be posting these developments within my personal life outlet located at: http://tyronelamoureux.wordpress.com
I won't only be posting this there for my own advantage, but also to set an example for any individuals who would find this mission to be righteous. The spirit of this mission identifies strongly with the African philosophy "Ubuntu" which, in its
most simple definition means "I am, because we are."
I type my alias here to comply with my own terms:
**Footnote** Application of additional clauses to follow the spirit of this original document.
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